TW was charged with felony assault against his girlfriend. Baumgartner Law was able to first have the charges reduced too a misdemeanor and through hard fought battle, Birk Baumgartner was able to all charges unconditionally dismissed and cleared TW’s record. Results like these are common place at Baumgartner Law, although we can not guarantee any particular results on any persons case we are proud of our unmatched dismissal percentage.

TW was charged with felony assault against his girlfriend. Baumgartner Law was able to first have the charges reduced too a misdemeanor and through hard fought battle, Birk Baumgartner was able to all charges unconditionally dismissed and cleared TW’s record. Results like these are common place at Baumgartner Law, although we can not guarantee any particular results on any persons case we are proud of our unmatched dismissal percentage.